Dpf regeneration with vcds
Dpf regeneration with vcds

dpf regeneration with vcds

Sometimes I think that if I´m burning 8lt/100km on a highway trip driving at 130kmh, with a 100lt tank I could do about 1.150km on that tank, but then it goes on reserve with just 750km done. Keep the car in a lower than normal gear (use S on an automatic) in order to keep the revs up. more so that when I just do city commute on heavy traffic, the car might say average of 12,5lt/100km and on those conditions the difference with real consumption is under 1lt/100km. How to clean, clear and reset (regenerate) the system You should drive your vehicle for approximately 15 minutes keeping the engine revs between 2000 - 2500 rpm. more so when the VW Connect App is making good fuel tank level readings, It puzzles me. but if cars average was 8,1lt/100km then it should have burned just 24,3lt and not 37,5lt. that is average of 12lt/100km, I fill it up and it takes 37,5lt, about right. Ie: I came down from the mountain from a week end of ski, from 2.000mt to sea level on a 300km trip, full tank on start, in the end car said average of 8,1lt/100km, but VW connect APP after 300km said there were 64lt on tank. This is why cars driven on motorways regularly are less susceptible to having a blocked DPF. The temperature should reach a suitable level to start burning off the built up carbon. I use My VW Connect app and one thing I noticed is that the average fuel consumption is often very wrong, When I do freeways very light on accelerator or trips with a lot of downhill with long periods of zero consumption instantaneous, the car shows lower fuel consumption than the real fuel consumption even if the tank fuel left is correct on the app. DPF's will do passive regeneration if driven on a motorway at a reasonable speed. And I always fill up the tank, It takes up to 100lt, I always confirm real fuel averages (Motorbike habit)

Dpf regeneration with vcds